05 August 2015

7Embarrassing Mistakes Everyone Makes But Doesn't Talk About

   We all make mistakes. That's part of being human. But while we'll cop to some faux pas, there are others we'd rather keep to ourselves. What are they? Take a look at these 13 little mistakes (through the lens of my own revealing anecdotes) that everyone makes but doesn't like to talk about.

1. Leaving Dirty Dishes in the Sink When Guests Come Over

With all the other things you have to do before guests visit — change the linens, fold the towels nicely, clean the bathroom — ya know, the things you let fall by the wayside for longer than you'd like to admit when nobody is coming over — it's easy to forget a task here or there. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink is one of the most common, because it may be habitual and/or they're just plain easy to miss. The problem is, it could suggest that you just didn't care enough to tidy up beforehand or that you're kind sloppy — neither of which are good impressions to leave.

2. Hitting "Reply All" on an Email That Definitely Wasn't Meant for "All"

Since the dawn of workplace email, snarky people have been griping about one another through cyberspace. Though not very nice, it can be quite therapeutic to discuss with a friendly coworker that Linda from accounting keeps wearing totally inappropriate blouses that she's basically falling out of. Or maybe you meant to single out one of your closer colleagues on an email string to be all "WTF?" about the new project that's being proposed.

But then you realize you hit "Reply All" instead of sending your nastygram to just that one colleague. And then your heart drops down into your gut because you deduce that there's a good chance you might be unemployed now — in which case, Linda from accounting or that new project are no longer a point of contention in your life. Mission accomplished.

3. Breaking Something Then Claiming It's "Lost"

Like your brother's Walkman. And if you're exceptionally evil, you'll convince him that he put it in his backpack when he went to school the other day and someone probably stole it on the bus.

4. Sending an Inappropriate Text to an Unintended Person

There are essentially two types of text messages — straight up text with words and texts with images. If we can all be adults here for a minute, let's just recognize that a good portion of our society sometimes transfers racy images between one another. Even the Romans would blush at this behavior — and they were freak-nasty. Nonetheless, if you're not careful when sending this scintillating content — like when you're drunk, because, let's be honest, that's when most people have the liquid courage to think this is the best idea ever — it can go to the wrong person. Like instead of your boyfriend Tim, it accidentally goes to your church friend Tom. Which means you're totally gonna have to pray about it on Sunday. But, hey, at least Tom is happy.

5. Telling a Joke That Doesn't Go Over Well

I'm just gonna put it out there: I think I'm pretty hysterical. As do most people with whom I keep company. (Or at least they pretend — which is good enough for me.) But sometimes I'm off my game, not particularly witty, or a joke just downright misses the mark. There have been plenty of times that I've tried to get a joke or dig in that I thought was hilarious that died right on the spot. Face turns red and people sort of half ignore the flop/look at you like "Really?" Best feeling ever — as I'm sure my fellow bombers will agree.

6. Forgetting the Birthday of Someone Important

A friend of mine reminded me a couple weeks ago that it was my husband's birthday that day. My certificate for "Most Awesome Significant Other Ever" should arrive any day now.

7. Saying Something Terrible to Someone You Love

As much as I've tried to keep this post light and fluffy, there's no humor in spewing terrible, anger-filled verbal garbage to someone you love. Yet we've all done it at some point in our lives — whether to our parents, our siblings, our best friends. Meta News

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