17 October 2014

Ten Memorable Quotes From Gov. Fayose's Speech

Below are ten memorable quotes from Gov Fayose's speech: 1. Everyone should observe a minute silence for All Progressives Congress. May their soul rest in perfect peace. They’ve departed our state forever. 2. I am the Governor that eats Boli (roasted plantain) with you and drinks Agbo Jedi (local herbal drink) with you. 3. You have successfully suported me in sending them(APC) back to their masters in Lagos. Not in our history again will they come back to our state. 4. God said to me that I should say with my heart; that i should forgive Ekiti people for removing me in the first place. I declare peace, prosperity employment, progress and stomach infrastructure for the people of Ekiti. 5. That government house you are looking at, when we finish here, I am going to lead you there. You are going to sleep there tonight. Open all the rooms and sleep there.              
                                        6. It is difficult for a man to get a second chance. I will banish hunger in your midst. I will work hard to put food on your table. 7. I am going to appoint a special adviser for stomach infrastructure. Tarring your road is wonderful, but food in the stomach is important. Already, I am grooming your chickens for Christmas and I am getting your rice ready. 8. Fayemi had the money and power, but he disconnected himself from the people. We have over 157 state accounts, and none of them has N1million in it 9. My government was seized in the jugular by the power mongering demagod. The ship of state drifted with neither compass nor navigator. You know them, they are always the first to paint a picture that is different from the truth in the media.   10. The same margin I gave to Adebayo was the same I gave to Fayemi. The only difference is that Fayemi was defeated in the 16 local government areas. It was 16-0

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