02 October 2014

Hong Kong protests: CY Leung refuses to quit as leader

                 Protesters have been on the streets in large numbers

 Hong Kong's Chief Executive CY Leung says he will not resign, amid calls from pro-democracy protesters for him to step down. But he said his government was willing to hold talks with the protesters.

 The protesters are angry at China's plan to vet candidates for elections in 2017, and say they want full democracy.

 They have surrounded two key government buildings in the territory, but Mr Leung warned them that they were breaking the law. At a news conference shortly before the protesters' midnight deadline for his resignation,

Mr Leung warned that attempts to move on or occupy government buildings would have "very serious consequences". He said the territory's top civil servant, Chief Secretary Carrie Lam, would open a dialogue with student leaders as soon as possible.

 "Tonight, the Hong Kong Federation of Students issued an open letter asking for a meeting with the chief secretary, representing the Hong Kong government, to discuss one item - and this is the constitutional development of Hong Kong," Mr Leung told reporters. "The night is awash with anger and fear", reports the BBC's China editor Carrie Gracie in Hong Kong "We have studied the letter in detail, and I'm now appointing the chief secretary to represent the Hong Kong government to meet with the representatives of the Hong Kong Federation of Students to discuss constitutional development matters." He added: "I will not resign because I have to continue with the work for elections." One protester, Harold Li, told BBC News that the pro-democracy demonstrators felt "optimistic but cautious" about Mr Leung's announcement - but intended to remain on the streets. But the BBC's Ali Moore, in Hong Kong, says the number of protesters gathered around the government buildings has halved since Mr Leung's announcement, with a steady stream of people moving away from the area. She says the government has successfully defused the immediate tension surrounding the deadline - but there has been no promise of any concession, just one of communication. Police had earlier warned protesters massed outside the Office of the Chief Executive and the Central Government Complex not to try to breach the cordon protecting the buildings. Steve Hui, Hong Kong police spokesman, said the force would "not tolerate any illegal surrounding of government buildings" Lord Patten, the last British governor of Hong Kong before it was handed over to China in 1997, told the BBC: "For the hundreds of thousands of demonstrators and the majority of people in Hong Kong, the big issue is whether or not they can secure the free and fair elections that they have been promised for years. "The future of the chief executive is tied up on the outcome." Speaking about the fear of an escalation in violence, Lord Patten added: "China has so much at stake... I can't believe this could become another Tiananmen."

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