27 July 2014

Nowadays, Everyone cheats – on #WeekendGroove with Damilola Jagun

Ever since the female came to the realization that men can never stop being unfaithful.

 Ever since they accepted the bitter truth that the phenomenon of infidelity, is an invincible, abnormal norm that might never waiver.

 Ever since they embraced the stark, inconvenient and painful reality, they have silently joined the bandwagon. They have hopped aboard the ‘unfaithful express’, almost even trying to pilot the train. 

Women,-for want of equality with men, and for their desire to prove that the saying, ”what’s good for the goose is good for the gander” hasn’t lost its meaning or essence- have made us aware, unannounced(action-wise) that if you can cheat, we also can cheat.

 Yes, most women, even some of the married ones cheat nowadays.

 Appalling, right?

 Yeah, i can see men nodding and shaking their heads vehemently.

 Bloody hypocrites! We are.

 We seem to think that we can always have our way in this regard and the supposedly lower sex will lie still like the proverbial “sleeping dog”.

 We seem to think that, because the misguided provenance of ‘one man to many’ is from time immemorial, hence, it carries a status of unchangeability and unquestionability.

 Well, we are wrong.

 Everybody is now in bed with everybody, making love, having sex, shagging up, doing quickies.

 Our gross misconduct as males birthed this; gross unfaithfulness of both sexes today.

 But then, can any man really be apportioned blame or asked to deviate from this inherent streak he was born with, that was passed down from the first generation of man(read your holy books).

 Ever since i’ve been socially, academically, and emotionally aware, i’ve always known that at almost every point in time, i’ll have more than one sleeping partner.

 As maturing young males, no one told us this or otherwise. We saw it everywhere, and we deemed it normal (yeah, status quo), and we boasted, flaunted, and believed it to be our God given mandate to shag indiscriminately.

 We were never taught opposite of this. Even the female bore a meek sense of acquiescence to it and accepted it as an expected occurrence (well, they used to) until now, until of recent.

 I really cannot pinpoint the cause of this change nor understand the reasons behind it.

 Maybe there has been a shift of the tectonic plates which has inadvertently affected the female libido, maybe the general decline of societal and ethical values worldwide, or better still, maybe the global warming phenomenon is responsible.

 Sounds funny, and even somewhat absurd, right? 

Well, it should be, because the situation itself is as thus. There has been no education, forum or awareness on it (infidelity of the male sex), so why the change, or better still equilibrium.

 I guess women just decided about a decade ago that thenceforth, they were going to give what they got, and do as we do.

 According to Tracey Cox in her book, Supersex’, pretty well all surveys indicated that as at the year 2010, the numbers of men and women having sexual affairs were equal, exploding the myth that the male is more adulterous by nature.

 Given half the chance, women will cheat as much as men do. I guess women also wanna have both bites of the cherry. Can any female be chastised for this dereliction of supposed accepted standard of behavior? 

Should they be reprimanded for trying to balance the scale and render null our invincibility, in this regard? 

Question for the ages!!

 Obviously, society is at fault, but can we change this phenomenon?

 Can we control our libido?

 Can we discipline our sexual appetite and limit it to only one food (one partner)?

 Without doubt, trying to seek an end to this anomaly is an herculean, if not impossible task.

 Certainly, we live in a morally decayed era.

 Infidelity might just be perpetually inherent in us all.

 What’s your take?

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