01 February 2018

Welcome To February 2018

  You matter

Under his control all the different parts of the body fit together, and the whole body is held together by every joint with which it is provided. So when each separate part works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up through love. Ephesians 4:16 (GNT)

One day it occurred to The Members of the Body that they were doing all of the work while the Belly got all of the food. They believed the Belly was lazy and unproductive. It was decided that they would hold a meeting to discuss how unfair this seemed. After the long meeting, it was voted on that The Members of the Body would go on strike until the Belly agreed to take its proper share of the work. The unhappy body parts didn’t do anything for several days in an attempt to stop feeding the Belly. The Legs stopped walking, the Hands stopped moving and the Teeth stopped chewing. As a result of this inactivity and the starving of the Belly, the Legs became more and more tired, the Hands could hardly move anymore and the Mouth became parched and very dry. Eventually, the entire Body collapsed and passed away as the Belly completely starved.

You are a very important part of the body of Christ. Whether your ministry is loud or quiet or seems less celebrated than some other prominent ones, know this; you are a vital part and you are needed in order for the Church to attain its full maturity. What you do, counts; therefore keep at it joyfully. Welcome to February, our month of "Growing Together".

I am thankful to GOD for the month of February. I declare that in the place of service, I enjoy grace to take my place and to give my best willingly and joyfully in Jesus Name.

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