07 February 2018

How I Went From A Broke Network Marketer To Living The Life Of My Dreams

  Today, You are the star of your own script, the captain of your own ship and the master of your own destiny.
You see, all of the biggest accomplishments in human society started with a dream. They started with passion, imagination, curiosity and determination.
However what if I was to tell you that over 95% of society will give up on their dreams before they even get there?
In a world of opportunity, of infinite possibilities  where one can access all the resources that they desire to become successful, we see 95% of people unfulfilled, unaccomplished, and under utilised.
Many of us have access to the same tools, to the same coaches, opportunities, mentors and resources, yet we see some people live their passion and others that never go on to live theirs.
About 9 years ago, I was a struggling networker- I was broke, exhausted, low on belief and in the 95% category- ready to give up on my dreams.

I placed Network Marketing in the ‘all too hard’ basket in this time, however my experiences of highs and lows over time allowed me to define 5 principles that would ultimately help me to turn my business around, creating a strong international business and ultimately lead me to consulting as an expert in all areas of the profession- from a leader in the field, to a trainer, coach and consultant internationally, working with some of the best leaders and corporations in the industry.
Here are 5 principles that I wish I had known when I first began:
1. Know what your are passionate about (and live it)
Do you know what lights you up? Are you living your passions every single day of the week?
Many people people wait until they have made it to the top to live their passions which unfortunately leads to so many unfulfilled dreams.
I often hear “If I can just make that extra income, I’ll have more time to do what I love”, or “I am so close- not long until I can do that”, however from spending time with many 7 figure earners on their journey from rags to riches, I can tell you that the one thing that inspired me most, was that every single person that was on a journey to success was getting out of bed and doing what they loved as their priority every day.
Are you a musician? Do you love fitness? What about helping others? Do you love a challenge?
Do what it takes to live and breathe your passion- vibrating at a higher energy from doing what lights you up makes the journey a much more fulfilled one.
2. Rockstar Belief
Do you truly believe in all aspects of what you do, in who you are and what you can offer?
1% doubt is enough to out do 99% belief, and so it is vital that we work on our mindset so that we can back ourselves in any situation.
What you focus on expands, so if you are focused on the 1% of doubt, there’s a good chance that your business will not grow towards the outcome you seek in your expected timeframe.
I used to be great at this- focusing on what wasn’t working rather than what was, and it didn’t get me anywhere!
If you invest in yourself and identify where you need to develop, over time with the right practice, you can develop the mindset of a champion.

Personal development is key to your belief and to your success.. Invest in you and you will make large returns on your investment!
3. Show up as you
Imagine the possibility to be you… Completely authentically, congruently you.
Well what would that take, what would that mean, what would that feel like, what would it taste like, what would it smell like? Would you feel different? Why would you feel different? How would you feel different?

I used to try to be someone who I wasn’t- or rather, someone I thought everyone wanted me to be.
I bought the sports car, I hyped my opportunity up and constantly felt like I was putting on an act..
The problem with this was that it EXHAUSTED ME… it takes a lot of our energy to be someone we are not, so the biggest advice I can give anyone starting out in the world of entrepreneurship today is to just be you.. You have everything you need  in  life to become successful by doing that- for if you show up just as you, you will never have any direct competitors… There is only one you!
4. Stay Curious
Curiosity is such a special gift. We are born with this gift. This gift teaches us the fundamentals to life, to learning, to growing and to being. Yet why as adults do we find it so difficult to trust our inner curiosity? Surely if we naturally allow ourselves to be more curious about others, the world around us and the businesses we engage in, we’d have more knowledge and understanding to help us to thrive. Curiosity creates human evolution and powerful experiences.
By being curious, we ask more questions- for example, if we’re wanting to help someone get started in our industry, we can ask questions around why this person may interested in the first place.. We can be curious about why they currently do what they do, what they would love to do, and what it holding them back.
The more curious you are, the more clarity you will have to help people achieve their dreams, so stay curious my friends.
5. Be Hungry to Serve
Help enough people get what they want, and you will ultimately get what you want.
So what are you doing on a daily basis to help others get what they want? Are you providing value, inspiration, knowledge and experience?
There is never any need to hide from what you’ve learnt in life- you will gain much more fulfilment by helping others with those learnings.
In our industry, these learnings can save others so much time, so get out and serve others to the best of your ability.

James Yates is a leading entrepreneur in the home based business and network marketing profession, as a distributor, speaker, coach and trainer

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